- 20 June 2012
- Posted by: redaksi
- Categories: Agenda, Berita dan info
Karawitan is a musical tradition belongs to ethnics in Indonesia. In Java, karawitan is well developed in different areas, having specific local characteristics and many different styles in ways of playing. There are Banyuwangen, Banyumasan, Semarangan, Surakarta, Ngayogyakarta, and many more. During centuries, the art of Karawitan has been living and spreading all over the world, and becomes one of the inseparable social dynamics and as a social culture as well. Karawitan plays an important part as a humanity language that might overcomes the diversity of ethnics, classes and even nations. Therefore, in the middle of music development, Karawitan is an effective way to broaden ongoing global communication.
Indeed, with high spirit and a big challenge to make Karawitan as a humanity language, Indonesia Institute of the Arts Jogjakarta in cooperate with Java Karawitan Society will proudly present an International Karawitan Festival, holds many activities as follows :
- Book Discussion
- Gender Soloist Competition (International)
- Gadhon Competition (International)
- Java Karawitan Festival (international)
This is an event for dialogue about a tradition called Karawitan that we have inherited. This dialogue is hoped to help people to find the strength of the art of Karawitan as an effective language to articulate our mind struggling and aesthetic expression of Karawitan artists.
A. Objectives
- To conserve Java Karawitan Tradition.
- To increase the world society appreciation to Gamelan and Java Karawitan work of art.
- To build a process of transmission and dissemination of Java Karawitan.
- To increase Java Karawitan artist creativity in create tradition gending.
- To build a communication forum and interaction among artists, observer, and Java Karawitan all over the world.
B. Schedule
Festival will be held on :
Day/ date : Friday – Sunday, 21st -23rd September 2012
Venue : ISI Yogyakarta Main Campus
Jalan Parangtritis Km 6,5 Sewon, Bantul, Yogyakarta
C. Address
ISI Yogyakarta
Jalan Parangtritis Km 6,5 Sewon, Bantul, Yogyakarta.
Email :
Contact person :
l. Siswadi : 081328794767
2. Bambang Pudjosworo : 08156872868
3. M. Heni Winahyuningsih : 081328841264
D. Participant
Generally open.
Please notice the registration deadline on 9th September 2012.
E. Agenda and Rules :
I. BOOK DISCUSSION, (21st September 2012, 09.00-13.00pm)
Title : Rumusan Patut dan Pathet Laras Gamelan Pelog Karawitan Cirebon, Jawa, dan Sunda by Handoyo
Discussants : 1. Asep Saepudin, M.Sn (Sunda), 2. Djoko Maduwiyata, M.Hum (Java)
A. Gender Soloist Competition ( 22nd– 23rdSeptember 2012, 10.00pm – finish )
- Gending material : Ladrang Pangkur ( Laras and Pathet : free)
- Presentation :
- Tanggung rhythm (rhythm I) = 2 ulihan
- Dados rhythm (rhythm II) = 1 ulihan
- Wilet rhythm (rhythm III) = 1 gongan
- Wilet Rangkep rhythm (rhythm IV) = 1 gongan (on Ngelik)
- Wilet rhythm (rhythm III) = 1 gongan – suwuk.
3. Instruments are provided by the committee or bring along as follows :
Gong, Kendhang, Gambang, and Slenthem.
4. Grandprize : RL. MartapangrawitTrophy.
5. Prizes :
- 1st prize : 5.000.000 rupiahs.
- 2nd prize : 3.000.000 rupiahs.
- 3rd prize : 2.000.000 rupiahs.
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B. Gadhon Competition (22nd– 23rdSeptember 2012, 10.00pm – finish)
1. Instruments required :
- Kendang
- Slenthem
- Gender Barung
- Rebab
- Gambang
- Suling
- Gong
- Sindhen
- Penggerong
2. Gendhingmaterial :
Gendhing Onang-onang, Kethuk 2 Kerep Minggah 4 Laras Pelog Pathet Nem. Starts from Bawa Sekar Ageng Manggala Gita,lampah 15, pedhotan 8-7.
3. Grandprize : Ki Tjokrowasito (KPH. Notoprojo) Trophy.
4. Prizes :
- 1st prize : 7.000.000 rupiahs
- 2nd prize : 5.000.000 rupiahs
- 3rd prize : 3.000.000 rupiahs
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III. FESTIVAL (23rd September 2012, 19.30 pm – finish)
Performances of Karawitan groups from Banyuwangi, Banyumas, Semarang, and foreign karawitan groups.
The Committee will responsible for the accommodation, meals, and local transportation in Yogyakarta during festival.