Our Location
The Postgraduate Program Campus of the Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta is very strategically located because it is in the city, but not too noisy and even relatively quiet, cool and comfortable for teaching and learning activities. The beautiful and quiet Surya Campus is expected to be able to foster creativity, produce great and quality works.
Master's Degree Study Program in Art Creation and Study
- Interest in Art Creation Studies, with main interest in Performing Arts/Fine Arts/Recorded Media Arts
- Study Interests: Art Studies, with main interest in Performing Arts/Fine Arts/Recorded Media Arts
Master of Arts Management Study Program
- Cultural and Tourism Management
- Performing Arts Management and
- Curatorial Management
Doctoral Study Program in Art Creation and Art Studies
- Interest in Art Creation Studies, with main interest in Performing Arts/Fine Arts/Recorded Media Arts
- Study Interests: Art Studies, with main interest in Performing Arts/Fine Arts/Recorded Media Arts
- Studio
- Surya Campus has studios for painting, sculpture, woodworking, dance, and music. As the number of students increases from year to year, we always try to add several more studios including for visual communication design, textiles and photography.
- Library
- The largest collection of books is in the ISI Yogyakarta Central Library, but books that are directly needed by Postgraduate Program students are provided in the Postgraduate Program Library.
- Scientific journals
- Since 2005, the Postgraduate Program of the Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta has published a number of scientific journals called Surya Seni. This journal is published every semester, presenting summaries of Master's students' theses and other scientific papers on the creation and study of art. required by Postgraduate Program students are provided in the Postgraduate Program Library.
Teaching Staff
- Agus Burhan, Dr M.
- Anusapati, MFA, Drs.
- Bramantyo PS, MMusEd, PhD, Drs T.
- Budi Astuti, MHum, Dra
- Chairul Anwar, Mhum, Drs
- Djohan, M.Sc, Prof, Dr
- Dwi Marianto, MFA, PhD, Prof. Drs. M.
- Edhi Sunarso,seniman
- Edi Sunaryo, M.Sn., Drs.
- Gustami, SU, Prof. Drs. SP.
- Hadi Susanto, MSn, Drs
- Hari Martopo, MSn, Drs
- Hendro Martono, MSn, Drs
- Hermien Kusmayati, Prof. Dr. A.M.
- IG. Ngurah W. Budhiana, MHum, Drs
- I Made Bandem, M.A., Prof. Dr.
- I Wayan Senen, SST., M.Hum.
- Koes Yuliadi, MHum, Drs
- Kris Budiman, M Hum
- Krisna Murti, (seniman media)
- M. Miroto, MFA, Drs.
- Ni Nyoman Sudewi, SST, M.Hum.
- Noor Sudiyati, SSn, MSn
- Rina Martiara, MHum, Dra, Dr.
- Setiawan, Hon.EFPSI, EFIAP, ARPS, S.
- Soeprapto Soedjono, MFA, Prof. Dr.
- Suastiwi, MDes, Dra, Dr.
- Subroto Sm., M.Hum., Drs.
- Sudarisman, Drs.
- Suhadji, Drs M.
- Suharti, SST, MS, Th.
- Sumandiyo Hadi, Prof. Dr. Y.
- Sumartono, M.A., Dr.
- Sumaryono, M.A., Dr.
- Sumbo Tinarbuko, MSn, Drs Isd.
- Sunarto, MHum, Drs, Dr.
- Sun Ardi, S.U., Drs.
- Suparwoto, MSn, Drs
- Suprapto Suryodarmo, seniman
- Surisman Marah, MSn, Drs H.
- Suwarno Wisetrotomo, M.Hum., Drs.
- Suyanto MHum, Drs A.N.
- Syafruddin, MHum Drs
- Syamsul Barry, SSn
- Tantyo Sukadar, fotografer
- Titiana Irawani, MSn, Dra
- Triono Saputro, MSi, Ir
- Trustho, MHum, Drs
- Umar Hadi, MS, Drs H.M.
- Victor Ganap, MEd, Prof. Dr
- Wibowo, MSn, Drs
- Hendro Martono, MSn, Drs