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International Craft Day#1

International Craft Day#1

Jurusan Kriya Fak. Seni Rupa ISI Yogyakarta, dengan bangga mempersembahkan acara International Craft Day#1 yang akan diselenggarakan secara virtual yang akan diselenggarakan pada tanggal 5-6 Oktober 2020.

International Craft Day#1  dengan topik Speaking Through Craft: How is the Strategy to Face the Covid 19 Pandemic ini terdiri dr beberapa agenda seperti;

  1. Talkshow Bicara Kriya,
  2. Kolaborasi Pameran,
  3. Worskhop dan
  4. Sharing Session.

Menariknya, event ini akan menggandeng 6 Perguruan Tinggi Seni Asing dr 6 negara yang berasal dari 3 benua yaitu Asia, Eropa dan Afrika. Pada acara Sharing Session, para nara sumber akan berbagi pengalaman mereka tentang kondisi kriya dan industri kriya di negara masing-masing dalam menghadapi pandemi agar tetap eksis dan bertahan. Mengingat industri kriya biasanya adalah padat karya dan menjadi tempat bergantung banyak orang. Pameran kolaborasi juga melibatkan karya-karya mahasiswa kriya, alumni dan dosen jurusan kriya FSR ISI Yogyakarta.

Craft Department proudly presents International Craft Day #1 event which is going to be held virtually. The ICD with topic “Speaking Through Craft : How is the Strategy to Face the Pandemic?” consists of some items: talk show “Bicara Kriya” (Talking everything about craft), collaborative exhibition, workshop and sharing session. Interestingly, 6 (six) foreign art institutes from 3 (three) continents Asia, Europe and Africa will join the event. In the sharing session, the resources will speak about the condition of craft and its industry in their countries during the pandemic. How to make it still exist during the crisis in view of the industry generally takes a lot of people to involve and becomes the source of their livelihood. The collaborative exhitibition will be filled with craft works from students, alumni and lecturers of Craft Department of Indonesia Institute of the Art Yogyakarta and of course the six foreign art institutes. And truly, it is a golden opportunity for the students to show their work together with their peer group from other countries. This will absolutely broaden their knowledge. So don’t miss it! Come join us! Talk show, Call for Paper and Sharing Session are open for public. Collaboration Exhibition will be held virtually. So, don’t lose the chance to take a look and enjoy it!


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